Pamela Bach Sentenced To Jail In DUI Case

David Hasselhoff’s ex-wife, Pamela Bach, was sentenced to 90 days in a Los Angeles County jail as a result of pleading no contest on Thursday to charges of driving under the influence, stemming from a DUI arrest last year.

According to the court’s minute order, Bach was also ordered to serve 16 days of Cal Trans work, to enroll in an 18-month licensed alcohol and drug education counseling program and to complete a 21-day program known as the Multiple Offender Drinking Driver Program.

Additionally, Bach’s driver’s license has been suspended for two years.

After she gets out of jail, Pamela will have to wear a SCRAM device for 6 months — an ankle bracelet which will measure alcohol in her system.

She’s also been ordered to pay a host of fines including restitution to the tune of $2,154 and another fine of $2,139.

Bach has been ordered to surrender on May 3, 2010. She was given credit for four days in custody.