Danielle Campbell & Charles Michael Davis Preview ‘The Originals’

There won’t be much time to
continue to grieve Cami on “The Originals” with two major threats to
our heroes – Lucien and The Ancestors.

Super-creature Lucien has an
incurable bite as Cami fatally learned last week, and he’s going after the
Mikaelsons. At the same time, across town, Kol Mikaelson was forced by the
ancestors to drain the life out of his beloved girlfriend, Davina. In Friday
night’s episode, Kol will turn to Marcel for help.

“That was the big cliffhanger
in the last episode and I mean, you can only imagine how Marcel’s going to
react,” Charles Michael Davis told Access Hollywood. 

Danielle Campbell & Charles Michael Davis Preview ‘The Originals’ (The CW)

PHOTOS: ‘The Originals’: More Scenes From Season 3

Danielle Campbell, who plays
Davina, said her character’s loved ones will quickly turn their focus to trying
to revive the young witch.

“The next steps obviously are
going to be to try and bring her back, so that’s I think what the next
thoughts [are] in every one’s minds. But I think there’s a lot of setbacks that
are going to be making that very difficult,” she said. “And I also
think that it’s going to definitely make for some really interesting  last
couple of episodes for the season.” 


After Kol started desiccating when
he reached the New Orleans city line in last week’s episode, he returned to Davina’s
apartment, and she staked him to try and keep him from fulfilling the wishes of
the ancestors. But they intervened, removed the stake and he drained the life
force right out of her.

“It was crazy to see it
written out,” Danielle said of reading the twist in the show’s script.
“I’d been told ahead of time what was going to happen and yeah, I
think it’s going to make [for] some really, really good dynamics though for the
rest of the season, so I’m actually really excited about it.

“It’s hard to watch,”
Danielle added, of last week’s final scene. “You just saw Kol and Davina [finally getting to be] a
couple and finally loving each other and being allowed to because they were
finally both alive at the same time. Now, it’s switched places and so it’s

Charles suggested someone should
have advised Kol to chain himself to the city line, before things got out of

WATCH: Charles Michael Davis On ‘The Originals’ Season 3 Fight Club!

“Then, just wait ’til
everything blew over and give him a tent and give him some food and stuff, you
know, just put him to side. That was my thought. Or [Marcel] could have buried
him or daggered him, but yeah… I think no one knew if [Kol was] trying to leave
town he’d be brought back. Hindsight’s 20/20. Oops,” he laughed.

While Marcel and Kol try to bring
Davina back, a preview trailer has revealed she’ll be confronted on the other
side, in the ancestral realm, by the ancestors.

“Davina has gone against the
ancestors since the very, very beginning,” Danielle said, when asked about
the crimes the ancestors believe Davina has committed. “After she died the first
time as one of the harvest girls — the whole reason she ended up needing to
die — once Marcel saved her, she already disobeyed the ancestors by not
completing the ritual. So that was step one on their bad list. When she came back,
she had just been tortured by them, basically put in her place and then, once
again, she teamed up with more vampires in order to help [stop] another
catastrophe from happening in New Orleans… and again, Davina was acting
on her own, oh her own instincts to save the people that she cared about that were in her
life, like Josh, like Marcel, and then later on Kol. So everything she’s done —
helping the vampires or the wolves, went against the witches because witches,
in the back of their minds, only help and want to protect their own and
Davina has befriended vampires and what they don’t like about her is that she’s
a threat because she thinks on her own and she’s strong and they know that she
has more power than an average witch.”

As Davina deals with the
ancestors, Klaus and Hayley will try to tackle the Lucien problem. Klaus will
certainly be in danger, but with Marcel no longer tied to the Original, whether
Marcel is torn about helping Davina over Klaus remains to be seen.

“I think the desiring spell
— we haven’t seen psychologically what it’s really done to Marcel,”
Charles said. “I think that’s the thing that’s easy to forget because his
mode has been part of the family and now here’s a threat that really isn’t
necessarily associated with him, so I think it’ll come into play if it affects
the ones that he loves, like Davina or Josh and his crew, or if it affects
Marcel directly.”

“The Originals”
continues Friday at 9/8c on The CW after “The Vampire Diaries.”

Jolie Lash