Drew Carey Suffers Separated Clavicle During Jogging Accident

Drew Carey suffered a painful collarbone injury while jogging on Wednesday.

“Hey everyone! Had to cancel #TPIR tapings today. I fell while running this AM and separated my clavicle,” “The Price Is Host” Tweeted on Wednesday. “Be back tomorrow though!”

The actor/comedian added that while he won’t need surgery, the fall could leave a bump on his collarbone.

“Just saw doctor. No surgery needed. No ‘snapping into place’. Just ice and time,” he Tweeted. “Oh, and I’ll probably have a lump w/out surgery.”

As previously reported on AccessHollywood.com, Drew, a former Marine reservist, has made fitness a priority in recent years after undergoing an angioplasty and feeling unable to “keep up” with his fiancee’s young son, Connor.

“I’d be like, ‘Connor, I can’t,’ and he’d say, ‘C’mon, Dad!’ That was a terrible feeling,” Drew told Parade magazine in a September 2010 interview. “I thought, ‘I’m never going to see him graduate high school.’”

The former “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” host made jogging a part of his fitness routine and completed a 10k run last year – his first in over two decades.

“Connor doesn’t make fun of Dad’s belly anymore,” he told the mag at the time. “I look in the mirror and I feel like I’m in my 20s again. I feel like I have my whole life back.”